Tea Teabox “The tear of Olympus” 12 tea bags


Greek mountain tea, fennel, orange peel, lemon grass, eucalyptus leaves, sweet blackberry leaves, siderite, moringa leaves, lemon peel, crisped mint, gojiberries, sea buckthorn , sunflower blossoms.
12 biodegradable tea bags.

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The gentle spicy taste of this mixture, combines with the sweet berry leaves, fennel, eucalyptus and mint which gives extra freshness. The addition of goji berry and hippophaes is upgrading this tea flavory mixture and excites the senses!
In addition, mοringa leaves have high nutritional values. They contain 27% of protein with all the vital amino acids and are 7 times up in Vitamin C compared to oranges, 4 times up in Vitanmin A compared to carroti, 4 times up in calcium compared to milk and 3 times up in potassium compared to banabas. Being rich in all these nutrients maringa leaves are considered an excellent natural tonic woth zero caffeine.

Additional information

Dimensions 8,5 × 9 × 9 cm
Single doses

Single doses